As I continue to follow my heart through the life journey that St. Rita has set before me, I realize that God has given us two ways to achieve our greatest human potential here on Earth. One way is through massive endeavor. When people across the world lift their voices as one in prayer, there’s no limit to how much good we can manifest. The other way is far more humble but just as meaningful: one person at a time. Just as God heard the silent devotions of St. Rita, He hears even the meekest among us.
It’s the simplest stories that matter the most. I want to share this note from Enrique Gurrola , who wrote to me after discovering St. Rita Believe.
“My grandma was one who taught me about baseball when I was a kid. I have memories of her showing me how to throw a ball with accuracy. We would stand outside and throw the ball against a wall with a ball-sized opening, competing to see who could hit the target first.
I became a decent pitcher and she came to all of my games. We loved the Dodgers. But as she got older it was hard for her to go to the games. So we’d sit together in her living room and watch them on TV. When I left for a game, she’d always wish them luck. When I came back, she always asked how they did.
My grandma recently passed away. I’ve come to learn about Saint Rita, the patron saint of baseball. Suddenly it made so much sense to me. It explained why she loved the game and why she passed that love on to me. I began looking further into St. Rita and found your video on YouTube. When I saw your St. Rita Believe band, I knew I had to get a couple.
My grandma, my best friend, introduced me to the game of baseball. My St. Rita Believe wrist band makes me so happy because it’s something I can wear in tribute to both my grandma and the sport we love.”